Enter the Peavey HP Special (HP standing for Hartley Peavey). It’s based on the Wolfgang but with options like a lockable floating trem and somewhat different body and head shapes. They were built in the same plant, on the same machinery, and at first by the same people.
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The original Peavey EVH Wolfgang was a great guitar, but expensive to produce, which meant that carried a price tag that moved it out of the range of many players.
So, after moving the EVH Wolfgang endorsement from Music Man, Peavey and EVH made an effort to trim features, but not quality, and this resulted in the EVH Wolfgang Special.
MORE →The original Peavey EVH Wolfgang was a great guitar, but expensive to produce, which meant that carried a price tag that moved it out of the range of many players. So, Peavey and EVH made an effort to trim features, but not quality, and this resulted in the EVH Wolfgang Special.
MORE →The Peavey EVH Wolfgang Standard was one step along the path of Eddie Van Halen’s work and association with various guitar manufacturers.
The EVH Wolfgang ‘Standard’ was built from 1996 to 2002 in Leakesville, Mississippi (and then to late 2004 in Meridian, Mississippi), though in fact, Peavey did not use the term ‘Standard’ with reference to these models.