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Price: CDN $20
US Price: US $15.93
*US dollar exchange varies daily
*US dollar exchange varies daily
Class: New
Banjo Night returns to The Twelfth Fret! From 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. - Monday March 20 2017 - The Twelfth Fret hosts Chris Quinn and Frank Evans!
This will be in our retail store, at 2132 Danforth Avenue - just east of Woodbine and the Woodbine Subway station.
When is it?
Banjo Night is on Monday March 20th, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM eastern time.
What's it cost?
Tickets to Banjo Night are $20 Canadian, and get you admission plus a $20 gift card, redeemable in the store during normal store hours.
Seating is limited to 20 people.
How can I get a ticket?
Ask us when you're in the shop, call us, send an email to or use the form below to let us know and we'll reserve a space.