Price: CDN $3550
US Price: US $2827.11
*US dollar exchange varies daily
*US dollar exchange varies daily
Class: Used
S/N: 14 22724
Based closely on the guitar first used by George Harrison on Beatles albums starting with A Hard Days Night, the Rickenbacker 360-12C63 is a spectacular guitar.
George Harrison received his first Rickenbacker 360/12, the second built, during the first Beatles tour of North America. It was originally shown to John Lennon during a meeting with Francis Hall, the owner of Rickenbacker, at the Savoy Hotel. However, Lennon thought it was better suited to George, who was sick at the Plaza Hotel.A trip to the Plaza was organized, where Harrison played, liked, and was given the guitar.
This 2014 Rickenbacker 360/12C63 is in near mint condition, with no fret wear and no damage. The original silver rectangular hardshell case is included.
Read more about the Rickenbacker 360/12 C63 Here at the Rickenbacker website!