Price: CDN $999.99
US Price: US $796.36
*US dollar exchange varies daily
*US dollar exchange varies daily
Class: Vintage
S/N: B 57322, dates to 1976.
The Fender Twin Reverb has been one of the most common and relied-on professional quality guitar amplifers. Originally introduced in 1952 as the 'Fender Twin' with an output of 25 watts, the amp has changed over the years, with many subtle and not so subtle circuit changes. Reverb was added in 1963, a master volume control was added in 1972, heavier speakers by JBL were available, and over time, the power has risen to 100 watts. These amps are known for clean tones - at fairly high volumes.
The amp seen here is a 1976 'Silverface' model with master volume. The original and a new footswitch comes with the amp. The output transformers are original and the 12" speakers are Fender labelled. Heavy-duty casters are installed.
Overall in good working order, this amp is everything the Twin Reverb was meant to be. Need the sound to be clean, clear and loud? Checkmarks all around!