The Twelfth Fret ~ Since 1977 ~

Deering Goodtime Banjo Concert Scale Ukulele


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The Deering Goodtime Banjo Concert Scale ukulele features a concert scale length and a full size, 11 inch maple pot, which gives it a full, warm sound often missing from small-pot banjo ukes – and also adds volume.   This is a perfect instrument for the back seat on long drives to the cottage!

Often called a banjolele, simply strum a few chords and you will be taken to a land without the stress and distractions of the daily routine. The nylon strings make playing easy on your fingers and the small size and light weight allows you to take this instrument with you literally anywhere – the beach, the office, camping, boating – you name it!

A fitted padded gig bag is available at $89.50 CAD.

Have a look at the video with Jens Kruger demonstrating the Deering Goodtime Banjo Ukulele and get an idea of the potential of this instrument.



Price: $649.00 CAD
  • Year: Current
  • Class: New
  • Condition: Brand New

  • Not Consignment

Contact The Twelfth Fret Regarding This Item


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2132 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, Ontario  M4C 1J9 CANADA
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