The Twelfth Fret ~ Since 1977 ~


❌SOLD❌ Arthur Hansel Steel String Guitar Natural, 1952

❌SOLD❌ Arthur Hansel Steel String Guitar Natural, 1952

Here’s a piece of Canadian musical history – an Arthur Hansel steel string guitar built in Toronto during February 1952 and restored by Bruce Dowd. Arthur Hansel immigrated to Canada from Germany during the early 1930s with the name ‘Hensel’ and was trained as a cabinetmaker and instrument builder. By 1936, he was listed in the Toronto Telephone Directory as either ‘Hansel’ or ‘Hansell’.

Price: $950.00 CAD

This instrument has sold


❌SOLD❌ Gaetano Vinaccia Guitar, Naples 1829

❌SOLD❌  Gaetano Vinaccia Guitar, Naples 1829

Here we’ re treated to a Gaetano Vinaccia guitar, dated to 1829 and listed as number 40, built in the Vinaccia shop in Naples. At the time, Italy was not a unified nation, with various states being under control of other neighboring empires. It was not until 1861 that Italy became a unified state under King Victor Emmanuel II. Vinaccia instruments are rare outside of museums. The 190 year old example here was restored in Holland some time ago, with a number of changes to help modernize the guitar and make it playable.

Price: $2,999.99 CAD

This instrument has sold


❌SOLD❌ Vega Deluxe Electric Tenor Banjo Sunburst Restored, 1937

❌SOLD❌ Vega Deluxe Electric Tenor Banjo Sunburst Restored, 1937

Here we have a real rarity from around 1937 – a restored, refinished and replated Vega Deluxe Electric Tenor Banjo, and they meant ‘Electric’ – this has a pickup! The Vega company was one of the older banjo builders in the USA, having started during 1881 in Boston, Massachusetts and acquiring the A C Fairbanks company assets in 1904 following a devastating fire at the Fairbanks plant. By the 1040s Vega was fading, and in the 1970s C F Martin purchased the company and held it until 1989 when Greg Deering bought it and re-created the Vega line.

Price: $4,995.00 CAD

This instrument has sold


❌SOLD❌ Bacon and Day Silver Bell No4 Tenor Banjo, 1927

❌SOLD❌ Bacon and Day Silver Bell No4 Tenor Banjo, 1927

One of the most well known of the Bacon Banjo Company and Day instruments was the Bacon and Day Silver Bell. These banjos are very elaborate, carved, engraved and plated, and have a full, rich tone with lots of power.

Price: $2,799.00 CAD

This instrument has sold



Guitarists’ Pro Shop
2132 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, Ontario  M4C 1J9 CANADA
○ Sales: +416•423•2132
○ Service: +416•423•1554