The Twelfth Fret ~ Since 1977 ~


❌SOLD❌ Arthur Hansel Steel String Guitar Natural, 1952

❌SOLD❌ Arthur Hansel Steel String Guitar Natural, 1952

Here’s a piece of Canadian musical history – an Arthur Hansel steel string guitar built in Toronto during February 1952 and restored by Bruce Dowd. Arthur Hansel immigrated to Canada from Germany during the early 1930s with the name ‘Hensel’ and was trained as a cabinetmaker and instrument builder. By 1936, he was listed in the Toronto Telephone Directory as either ‘Hansel’ or ‘Hansell’.

Price: $950.00 CAD

This instrument has sold


❌SOLD❌ SS Stewart Model 4024 Archtop Guitar Sunburst, 1930s

❌SOLD❌  SS Stewart Model 4024 Archtop Guitar Sunburst, 1930s

Here’s a lovely piece – from the early 1930’s, an SS Stewart Model 4024 archtop guitar, built by either Regal or Harmony and sold through Buegeleisen and Jacobson, owners of the Stewart brand. The SS Stewart company, named for Samuel Swain Stewart was a major producer of banjos between 1878 and 1904, and was bought by B&J (Buegeleisen and Jacobson) a few years after Stewart’s death. Over the years, B&J shifted to producing mostly guitars with the brand, had many companies build the actual instruments including Chicago Musical Instruments, who also built Harmony, Kay, and Silvertone brands.

Price: $1,499.99 CAD

This instrument has sold



Guitarists’ Pro Shop
2132 Danforth Avenue
Toronto, Ontario  M4C 1J9 CANADA
○ Sales: +416•423•2132
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