THe Fender 59 Bassman LTD recreates one of the seminal guitar amplifiers, popular with both bass players and guitarists and the basis for many other designs, including the Marshall JTM45.
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MORE →THe Fender 59 Bassman LTD recreates one of the seminal guitar amplifiers, popular with both bass players and guitarists and the basis for many other designs, including the Marshall JTM45.
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MORE →Here is a Harmony H305A amplifier. This is a single-ended design based on the Fender 5E3 circuit as used on the classic 1950’s Tweed Fender Deluxe amp. With a pair of 6V6 power tubes, about 15 watts would be delivered to a single 12 inch speaker.
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MORE →One of Fender’s earliest amps and built from 1946 to 1965, the Fender Pro combo amp carried a singe 15 inch speaker and grew from 18 to 40 watts before being replaced by the Pro Reverb amp. Initially called the Professional, shortened to Pro in 1948, this amp is one of the rarer Fender amps. Its circuitry is very much like the VibroVerb, but without reverb.
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MORE →The Fender Super Reverb was built from 1963 to 1982, and was one of Fender’s physically largest combo amps – though the most powerful combo was the Twin Reverb. The Super Reverb delivered 40 watts as ‘Blackface’, then 45 watts as ‘Silverface’ and ultimately 70 watts for models after 1977, through four ten inch speakers. The Twin Reverb, in contrast, used a pair of twelve inch speakers to deliver 85 watts, ranging up to 100 ultimately 135 watts in 1977.
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MORE →By the early 1960s, amplifiers were rapidly increasing in power – and weight – and combos were split into two sections, like the Fender Bassman piggyback amp seen here.
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MORE →Built from 1946 to 1965 in evolving forms, the Fender Pro Combo amp was the largest of three amplifiers offered when Fender opened. It was replaced in 1966 by the Pro Reverb.
From its first 18 watt incarnation to its 40 watt exit in favour of a Reverb-equipped model, the Fender Pro combo amp featured a single 15 inch speaker. As a higher powered amp, its ‘Harmonic Vibrato’ circuit differs from that used on models past the Vibrolux.
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